Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I have not yet seen this.. but since it opened today, I have already received two calls from friends...

Their reactions?

Anthony Rapp's "performance is fantastic"

Jesse L. Martin's voice is "amazing"... his performance is "the best in the film"

"too busy"

"loses its simplicity... and its beauty" (called that one)

"a disappointment"

I am VERY apprehensive... I am expecting so much because it is one of my favorite shows. I think Larson's music and the cast will save this film... and Columbus and the fact that this IS a stage show (and was meant to be one) will kill it...

Columbus, Schumacher. Schumacher, Columbus.
You have something in common; you both makes BAD movie musicals. :)

"I have such doubts" (anyone?)

We'll see...

(I am a huge musical theatre geek and will probably love it... at first. I will honestly enjoy it. That's me. I love the show. I love the characters - which I have not been able to say too much this year. However... I don't think it will go down in the books as one of my favorite movies. In fact, shortly after the viewing I will probably realize how poorly this beautiful show was adapted to the screen... and realize how much I really disliked it. That's sad. That's ok... I have THE PRODUCERS...)


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