Wednesday, December 28, 2005

THE PRODUCERS... and a quibble...


I saw THE PRODUCERS tonight...
and it was BRILLIANT. Very old school movie musical. Love it!

FLASHES OF BRILLIANCE: Nathan Lane, Matthew Broderick, Gary Beach, Roger Bart
IN-BETWEENERS: Will Ferrel... he was ok.
DOWNERS: Uma Thurman... yikes. Lane's first big number "The King of Old Broadway" was cut from the picture. Bad news. Still not as bad of Uma. Ms. Thurman, stick with those Kill Bill flicks, leave the movie musical to Catherine Zeta Jones.

(More to come on this movie later!)

A quibble...

What the hell is with these new movies that can't decide if they're a comedy or drama? During the previews this evening, Rachel and I watched about 5. Two brilliant examples: Tyler Perry's new flick about wife beating, cross-dressing-trying-to-be-EddieMurphy-in-Nutty-Professor, family reunion. Not a good time. Perry is trying to make a statement about beating your wife, family, and how an actor can be funny dressed as old woman and an old man in the same scene. The other, a flick about an American Idol-esque show where an Iraqee is one of the contestants... and somehow the dumb Bush-esque President is there... and the whole Iraqee performer's goal is to blow him up on national TV. Wow. Special.


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